Quickstart / Usage Guide

This guide gives a high-level overview of the command line interface to changegen. It assumes a fairly technical level of knowledge of PostGIS, OSM file formats, and osmosis.

Setup + Installation

Installing changegen is easy with pip:

pip install git+https://github.com/trailbehind/changegen.git

(you can specify a specific release with ...changegen.git@<release>)

This tutorial also assumes the following (since these assumptions fairly accurately describe most use-cases for changegen):

  • you have a PostGIS database running on your local computer, or accessible via a network.

  • you have an OSM extract

  • you have osmosis installed

  • you have imposm3 installed

Database Setup + Access

To be sure that the PostGIS database used to support changegen operations is setup well, refer to PostGIS Tips + Considerations for details.

After the database is setup, we need to provide changegen with details on how to connect to this database. By default, changegen attempts to connect to a PostGIS database using the following parameters:


Default Value

Environment Var

DB Name










no password





To provide alternate access credentials, you may either provide them explicitly on the command line or by setting environment variables, as above. See changegen --help for details on how to provide credentials on the command line.


The following examples of CLI use assume that there’s a PostGIS database running on the same system, using the default connection parameters listed above.

Using the Changegen CLI

There are several scenarios that are common when using changegen, so we’ll cover those explicitly here.

Adding new features to OSM file

Commonly we want to add new features to the OSM Planet file, perhaps to augment the OSM database with additional or proprietary information. To do this, it is required that we define a PostGIS table that contains exclusively features to be added to the OSM file. For this example we’ll call this table new_features.

The following CLI invocation will create a OSM Changefile containing the features in new_features. This process does the following:

  • Converts the PostGIS/OGR geometry representation in to OSM Nodes and Ways, as needed

  • Converts all fields in the new_features table inth OSM Tags to be added to each new Node/Way

  • Assigns OSM ID numbers to each new feature to be added to the file.

changegen --suffix new_features -outdir . --osmsrc data.osm.pbf

Running this command will create a changefile named new_features.osc in the current working directory. data.osm.pbf is the path for the source OSM data file that this changefile will eventually be applied to.

This simple invocation works, but could potentially produce an incomplete or otherwise buggy OSM Planet file, because it does not take advantage of many of the features that changegen has to offer to prevent many common pitfalls. We’ll demonstrate some modifications to this command that can fix some of these common issues.

Creating properly noded self-intersections

If new_features is a set of linestrings that potentially may intersect with each other, and we want these linestrings to have properly noded intersections (see OSMWiki:Conventions#Junctions for context), we can provide the -si/--self flag as follows:

changegen --suffix new_features --self -outdir . --osmsrc data.osm.pbf


It is very important that the source PostGIS table (in this case new_features) has a GIST Geometry index defined on its geometry column before using the --self flag. If not, this command will take many orders of magnitude longer to execute.

Creating properly noded intersections with other OSM objects

If new_features is a set of linestrings that potentially may intersect with other OSM objects, we take a slightly different approach. First, we need to be sure we have an imposm-derived PostGIS table that contains any of the geometries that may intersect with any of the features in new_features. It’s important that this table also have a GIST geometry index.

For this example, let’s assume we have new_features and another table of existing OSM objects known as existing_features. We can ensure that all intersections between features in new_features and features in existing_features have proper junction nodes by using the -e/--existing flag, e.g. the following command:

changegen --suffix new_features --self --existing existing_features -outdir . --osmsrc data.osm.pbf

Using an OSM ID offset

When adding new features to an OSM planet file, it is important that those new features are assigned IDs that do not collide with existing features in the planet file. Changegen provides support for this by providing an --id_offset flag. Passing this flag and an integer value (e.g. --id_offset 500) will assign OSM ID values to new features starting with the value 500. It is up to the user to provide an ID offset that will not collide with existing features. If osmium is installed, the --no_collisions flag will stop execution if any IDs will be assigned to a new feature that would collide with an existing ID.

Modifying existing features in the OSM file

Changegen also supports modifying the metadata of existing OSM features. Note that this feature explicitly does not support modifying geometries. (The case of modifying geometries is supported by a combination of adding and removing features.)

Changegen supports metadata modification via the --modify_meta flag. If this flag is provided, any tables that are selected via the --suffix flag will be treated as tables that contain existing OSM features to be modified. The resulting changefile will contain <modify> tags for each of these features. The Tags for each of these features will mirror the database fields present in the tables (and, optionally, any hstore columns – see Maintaining all Tags with Hstore columns below), and the geometries will be identical to their original representation in the OSM planet file from which they were imported. This method explicitly maintains node order for Ways, and ensures that all modified Ways contain the exact same node references as their original objects (e.g. to maintain original routable junctions in the OSM file).

For example, if modified_features is a table of existing OSM features whose metadata have been modified, we can create a changefile expressing these modifications to these existing features like so:

changegen --suffix modified_features --modify_meta -outdir . --osmsrc data.osm.pbf

Removing existing features in the OSM file

The third mode that changegen provides is a deletion mode. This mode can be used in conjunction with either the creation (e.g. the default mode) or the metadata modification mode. To delete OSM features (e.g. if they are being replaced with new features), create a table of the original OSM IDs of these objects to be deleted. This table must contain a column named osm_id. Provide the name of this table to changegen using the --deletions flag, e.g. --deletions table_of_objects_to_delete. Any ID listed in this table will be represented by a <delete> node in the resulting changefile. The --deletions flag can be provided multiple times.

Other Features

Changegen provides a few more features that can help to support common use-cases of this tool.

Maintaining all Tags with Hstore columns

Most often, changegen is used in conjunction with a set of PostGIS tables that have been at least in part created by imposm. In many pipelines that involve changegen, especially (but not exclusively) those that modify existing features, a certain subset of OSM feature tags are imported using the imposm mapping YAML files. These tags (represented in the database as columns) are then used to complete whatever conflation needs to happen.

Often, however, these features contain many other tags that aren’t explicitly imported into the database via imposm. This is relevant to data processing steps after changegen. By default, changegen only writes as OSM tags database columns that are present in the source table. For example, when modifying an existing OSM feature, if the database table containing the modified feature only contains name an highway columns, the resulting changefile will only contain name and highway tags, which means that those features will only contain those tags in the OSM Planet file resulting from applying that changefile to another OSM planet file.

This is usually not desirable, because we sometimes can’t know what tags will be necessary for later processing steps. Both imposm and changegen offer support for this situation. You can use the hstore_tags option in imposm (docs) to add a column in the database that contains an hstore object with all tags. By default the only tags included in the hstore are ones that have been explicitly mentioned in the mapping.yaml file. To import all tags known for a feature, you’ll need to use the load_all directive (docs).

Once you’ve imported all tags, you can specify that changegen looks for an hstore column and writes all key:value pairs in the hstore column as Tag objects on every feature. Use the --hstore_tags option to specify the name of the column to obtain tags from. Note that if multiple tables are specified (e.g. multiple tables with new or modified features) they all must contain hstore columns with the same name. In the case where tag names are duplicated between the hstore and the database table columns, column key values will take precedence over values in the hstore.

Compressed changefiles

The OSMChange format is an XML-based structured format that specifies changes to be made to an OSM Planet file. Most readers of this format support compression, so we provide a --compress flag that enables changegen to output gzipped changefiles.